Strive for Consistency
For the strive for consistency, the ipod nano provide the user with suitable color of display such
as type of font, font color, background color and clear screen. This will help
the user to easy to understand on how to use the ipod nano. It is very
important to make the user to feel easy with the interface of the ipod nano.
This is because the interface is the important thing in ipod nano.
Offer informative feedback
The ipod nano will give feed back or respond to the user by
displaying a pop up message for the user to see it. When the ipod nano is
transferring a data from pc or laptop it will show a picture of data
transferring that will make the user know when it will finish the transfer
process. Other thing is, when the ipod nano is on low battery it will show a
battery indicator blinking in the screen of the ipod nano.
Reduce short-term memory load
To reduce the short –term memory the ipod nano
provide not many icon for the user to memorize. This is because if the ipod
nano have many icon to click, it will make the user take time to memorize the
icon function and it will make them to take a long time to learn on how to use
it. Other thing is if the ipod nano have less icon function it will make the
usability of the ipod nano more easier to understand and easy to use.
Prevent Errors
If a user makes an
error, the interface should detect the error and offer simple, constructive,
and specific instructions for recovery. For example, if the user want to rename
a song and if the name already exist in the storage it will pop out a message
that will display the name have already exist in the storage. Another thing is,
if the user want to transfer a song to the ipod nano and the ipod nano have
full storage it will pop out a message that tell the user the storage is full.
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